
Resilience can be taught, it is not inherent. Children who display grit, determination and perseverance will push through challenging moments and achieve success. Fostering a growth mindset will help your child always seek out the learning opportunity.
Just one exercise a day can make a difference to your child's development. Each of the coaching cards below takes no more than five minutes and requires zero preparation.
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Cristiano Ronaldo

How long does Cristiano Ronaldo practise football for each day?

Not relying on talent alone
The answer is a lot!
Prompts if stuck
1) Ronaldo clearly has a lot of talent, why does he need to practise?


The answer is a lot! He is often the first one out onto the training pitch, and the last one back. We can use him as a role model to teach the value of perserverance and not relying on any natural talent that you might be lucky to have.

Prompts if stuck

1) Ronaldo clearly has a lot of talent. Why does he need to practise?

2) What has Ronaldo sacrificed in order to become a Top Footballer?

3) What do you think drives Ronaldo to keep pushing himself?

Cristiano Ronaldo

How long does Cristiano Ronaldo practise football for each day?

Not relying on talent alone


The answer is a lot! He is often the first one out onto the training pitch, and the last one back. We can use him as a role model to teach the value of perserverance and not relying on any natural talent that you might be lucky to have.

Prompts if stuck

1) Ronaldo clearly has a lot of talent. Why does he need to practise?

2) What has Ronaldo sacrificed in order to become a Top Footballer?

3) What do you think drives Ronaldo to keep pushing himself?

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Good failure

When is it good to fail at something?

What good failure looks lile
Win or Learn, Never Lose.
Prompts if stuck
1) What does a "bad" failure look like? (if you then give up etc)


Win or Learn, Never Lose. Failure goes from being "bad" to being "good" if a positive lesson is taken from it. Develop a culture where it is OK to take risks, try something new and occassionally fail. And when that happens encourage your child to learn from their failures by helping them to reflect on what happened.

Prompts if stuck

1) I tried a Crossword today but it was too hard. Should I give up?

2) What does a "good" failure look like? (if you learn from it etc)

3) What would happen if you never fail at anything in life?

Good failure

When is it good to fail at something?

What good failure looks lile


Win or Learn, Never Lose. Failure goes from being "bad" to being "good" if a positive lesson is taken from it. Develop a culture where it is OK to take risks, try something new and occassionally fail. And when that happens encourage your child to learn from their failures by helping them to reflect on what happened.

Prompts if stuck

1) I tried a Crossword today but it was too hard. Should I give up?

2) What does a "good" failure look like? (if you learn from it etc)

3) What would happen if you never fail at anything in life?

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10,000 hours

How long does it take to "master" something?

Teaching perseverance
Some research shows that it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice before a skill is mastered
Prompts if stuck
1) What does it mean to "master" something?


Some research shows that it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice before a skill is mastered - or 3 hours a day for 10 years! By this definition your child does not need to "master" everything they attempt, but it might help to remind them that getting good takes time and perservance. Mozart, the music composer for instance, started playing Piano from age 3 but did not write his masterpieces until his 20s.

Prompts if stuck

1) You have mastered walking! How many steps do you think it took?

2) Did Mozart have natural talent or did he practice a lot of Piano?

3) What are you practising lots right now?

10,000 hours

How long does it take to "master" something?

Teaching perseverance


Some research shows that it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice before a skill is mastered - or 3 hours a day for 10 years! By this definition your child does not need to "master" everything they attempt, but it might help to remind them that getting good takes time and perservance. Mozart, the music composer for instance, started playing Piano from age 3 but did not write his masterpieces until his 20s.

Prompts if stuck

1) You have mastered walking! How many steps do you think it took?

2) Did Mozart have natural talent or did he practice a lot of Piano?

3) What are you practising lots right now?

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